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Case Study
Project Details

B2B case studies, website copy, press releases and short copy

blog author


Pricing pages: hidden UX and copy improvements to boost conversions

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Philips Lighting

Showcasing B2B lighting products with carefully branded web copy.

Branding work and case studies

I’ve had a long relationship with Philips Lighting (now Signify), which started back in 2014. My first project involved writing hundreds of pieces of content in line with The Philips Lighting TOV, in order to launch a re-branded website. Many of these pages were case studies, some of which needed re-writing from badly translated dutch.

The Philips Lighting TOV is based on three core value descriptions: innovative, caring and impactful. Each of these need to be present in their copy, and are 'turned up' or down according to the nature of the work. This distinct brand voice is a great tool for hyping up the company's technology - and it's a lot of fun to write with!

A few months after the project ended, the site went on to win the 2015 Web Marketing Association Web Award in the B2B Standard of Excellence category.


Philips lighting Roosendal case study web page


Web content

I’ve also created homepage web content for several Philips Lighting side businesses, such as Luminous Carpets. You can see the full website here (the client has made a few small copy changes since it was first published). The headline is a good example of how a writer can use the 'impactful' value in the copy - the contrast of 'one' and 'infinite', delivered in short punchy sentences, creates an impactful feeling.

Philips Luminous carpets web page

Press releases

I’ve also written press releases to help launch brand new Philips products. The piece you see below is one of 30 that I wrote to launch new products that were being showcased at the annual IFA conference.

I learned how to write press releases as part of my copywriting training, and have had additional guidance from an international PR agency. The copy is not  branded as heavily as marketing copy is, because we are simply trying to encourage journalists to cover the story, rather than sell them on the brand/product.

Philips noise cancelling headphones press release

Short copy

I’ve also had fun writing some short copy for Philips. I could probably write light-based puns in my sleep at this point – I’m just that full of bright ideas. Sorry, couldn't help myself...

Philips lighting on a large building

Anything else?

Not pictured: numerous other writing projects I’ve done for Philips Lighting, including social media posts, blogs, a tone of voice guide, marketing emails, brochures, instruction manuals and product descriptions. And probably some other stuff that I’ve forgotten about.

I also have a lot more sample work on file, but unfortunately I can't share all of it on a public website. Feel free to contact me if you would like to see some more examples.

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